My name is Laozi. I am a Daoist. I believe people should respect nature. I do not own a computer so I might not update this blog very much. I believe that people should not try to gain wealth. A side effect of that is not having any money. In short I am poor. Because I am poor I do not own a computer. Is this making any sense?
By the way I have a book. It is called The Way and Its Power. I recommend that you find a copy and read it. Don't by it though because having wealth goes against my teachings.
To anyone reading this blog The Analects are way better. I strongly recommend you buy a copy and share it with the rest of your family.
Stop trying to sell your book on my blog Confucius! It really isn't nice.
Sorry if I hurt your feelings. I really need the money though. I am taking the whole family on vacation. With all my aunts, uncles, and cousins included this is going to be an expensive trip to Disney World.
Smily Block A I Agree With This Because I Do Think We Should Save Trees And That We Dont Have To Punish Our Family For Something We Did I Think That We Should Be The Only One To Be Pnished Ofcourse Cause We Did It
Block A mariah i thik that he should mabey by that book from confucius because then he would be able to spend more time with his family
i think your idea is great i believe we shouldnt try to gain the jeanay
This is just a test
nick m: i dont agree with this way of life
Kristina F. block C
I do not agree with Laozi. I don't agree with him because nothing would be stable, and the human mind needs to move forward with the world.
Allison Berding Block C....
i dont really agree cause nobody would follow the rules if we did that, :)
Natalie L. in Block C says that she agrees with Confucius. I think people shouldn't only respect nature, they should also respect their family and care for their family. Though people should also respect nature.
sebrina embry block c i agree with laozi that you should respect nature because trees give you oxgen
sebrina embry block c i agree with laozi that you should respect nature because trees give you oxgen
Tiffany V, Block C, I agree with this, because I think people are wayy to focused on the internet and Video games etc. I also think that People shouldn't try to gain wealth, Because the whole Money situation overpowers people.
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