Confucius and Shi Huangdi really bother me. Their thoughts on certain policies are driving me up a wall. Confucius is so focused on the family, on your neighbor, on society, and so on it is driving me up a wall. All he cares about it people, people, oh and did I mention PEOPLE?!?!
Shi Huangdi is just a pain really. He too is only focused on people, but not in a caring way. He and his crazy Legalist group believe that people are bad and need to be controlled. He spends most of his time thinking of way to punish people.
I don't know why these two are my friends really. We don't have a lot in common. I keep trying to get them to see things my way. Every day I use to walk past their houses and try and get them to go on walks with me.
Shi Huangdi called the cops on me and told them I was trespassing. I ended up having to do twenty hours of community service at a retirement home.
Confuscious always has an excuse. Either he is taking care of his grandparents or has some family event to go to. He is too much of a family guy really.
I really think that if I just get them to come outside they would see the way of the Dao. I think they would see the beauty in nature and begin to worship it like I do. I do believe that nature should be worshiped. The Dao is the guiding force of all reality.